
Sunday, November 3, 2013


Symptoms and Treatment of Intestinal Tuberculosis


Intestinal tuberculosis is causing symptoms such as stomach bloating , vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain . Consequences are more severe intestinal blockage or enlargement in certain parts of the intestine and palpable as a tumor in the lower right abdomen . On intestinal tuberculosis are often not found at all bowel disease diagnosis .

That's why a more specific examination required to take the network impairments in the intestine , through a tool inserted through the intestines . Checks can also be done by means of ultrasound or CT scan . By finding bred germs that can be known for sure premises illness diagnosis .

But sometimes difficult to find the germ of the tissue removed . For the examination with X-ray , along with other tests . TB disease can also cause intestinal pain caused resemble appendicitis . Although it seems like the appendix should not be quickly removed because require a more thorough examination .

Intestinal tuberculosis are sometimes no symptoms are apparent , may attempt the examination of the lungs and sputum did not give any sign . X-rays usually do not provide a clear reference that the disease tuberculosis . Patient sputum examination also showed no adnaya TB germs . However , the subsequent observation of patients still showed pain in the lower abdomen and not infrequently his weight slightly decreased , although not as good as the weight loss in patients with colon cancer .

To ascertain what is being plagued disorder sufferers , can be a medical disease and abdominal cavity search because the pain . Abnormalities was found by tuberculosis in the tissues around the gut , so it was decided to not melanjutka operation and shut her stomach again .

Prevention and treatment of intestinal tuberculosis

Intestinal tuberculosis can be done to eradicate the use of anti- tuberculosis drug treatment . Either drug was given to patients who have been found to exist germs or illness or which are not yet found any TB germs in the intestines . By giving patients the drug was typically akab health rapidly improved .
Use of TB drugs as used for penyakt pulmonary tuberculosis can also be used for this intestinal tuberculosis . Treatment of intestinal tuberculosis requires a long time , until the patient was asked to be patient during the treatment period .
Treatment for tuberculosis is the most appropriate anti- tuberculosis drugs . Giving these drugs akab last long enough until the patient is considered cured . Drugs that can be given in the form of oral medication or injected . For long -term drug delivery is certainly more awkward swallow , generally with these drugs , health related recover.

Intestinal tuberculosis

Heard the term intestinal tuberculosis , of people with TB often associate with members of the public who diidap pulmonary tuberculosis that attacks the lungs . Indeed, the main organ of respiratory tuberculosis in the closely related with intestinal tuberculosis . In fact, the germs of tuberculosis considered as the major cause of the intestinal tuberculosis .

Intestinal tuberculosis usually merupaan chronic disease means the disease is already there and is slowly becoming more severe . Meanwhile , if the cause of pulmonary tuberculosis or difficult breathing as the sufferer breathing organ ( the lung ) was attacked by the germs of tuberculosis, then the intestinal tuberculosis was attacked by the intestinal bacteria of patients .

Intestinal tuberculosis disease thought to be caused by TB germs attack . Germs can be derived from active TB disease tang in the lungs and blood containing TB germs and into the stomach . Then carried into the intestine participate and thrive in a new tub . Germs spread to the lymph glands in the intestine and other parts of the digestive tract lining also covers the intestines in the abdominal cavity .

Germs can also spread through the bloodstream when a person is still young . He dwells in the small intestine . In pretumbuhan children become adults with healthy . Because her immune system is still good . The new bacteria showed activity when the patient's body condition decreased . Factors causing intestinal tuberculosis include malnutrition , chronic diseases such as diabetes , alcohol drinking habits , use of drugs and the immune system is weakened . Last factor is related to the cause of HIV infection are also the body's defense system attacks a person .

Although intestinal tuberculosis is sometimes a chronic disease , while appendicitis generally as sudden illness , so people feel a little body heat . Disease may be acute appendicitis can be overcome by the patient's body snediri , so that acute inflammation such as heat loss and lower stomach pain is not so disturbing . Even the pain in the beginning it was very disturbing symptoms disappear or greatly reduced .

On malignant colon cancer , that may arise pain in lower right abdomen , weight clearer patients deteriorated rapidly . Therefore , in addition to regular patient complained of pain in the lower abdomen also complained clearly reduced weight .

TB disease

TB in Indonesia become a serious problem because of transmission is very easy . The finding new cases and access to treatment becomes paramount that successful TB treatment . One quarter abadn or 125 years already bakerti tuberculosis ( TB ) ditemuakn . Effort to rid this disease continues to be done , both in the global and local scale . However , the more effort against tuberculosis TB bacteria are getting smarter too evasive . As a result , the treatment of this disease to see a lot of dead end . Laih - laih disappeared , justr bacteria increasingly resistant and multi- resistant .
WHO World Health Organization classifies as a tuberculosis endemic disease is difficult to remove . WHO research last year showed that nearly a third of the world's population has TB . Every year , more than 1.7 million people were dead . The rate of spread of this disease difficult to stop because TBC easily transmitted .

In the Indonesian perspective , TB is also a serious problem . Indonesia was the country hardest fifth as many people with tuberculosis . Indonesia lost only Swaziland , Cambodia , Zambia and Djibouti . Jumalh with TB is currently 321 per 100 thousand inhabitants .

Treatment of tuberculosis in Indonesia is difficult , because we are still asleep , asleep in a long dream . Many pengidapTBC should recover , due to cost constraints , it would come back . Moreover , treatment awareness is still low . Though TB is curable . Therefore, we need the cooperation of all parties in tackling tuberculosis .

Currently only 50 % of patients with tuberculosis in Indonesia who have been successfully treated . " To expedite the handling of tuberculosis , this year the government will do these findings the government will actively finding new cases , " said Minister of Health , DR . Dr. . Siti Supari Fadillah , SpJP ( K ) in the global tuberculosis anniversary March 24 So . Indonesia has been the achievement of the global targets . Finding numbers of cases ( case detection rate / CDR ) in Indonesia 74 % and cure rate of success ( success rate / SR ) 89 % . The global target is 70 % CDR and 85 % SR .

Figures CDR , Menkes said , should be improved . The trick , of health workers in health centers no longer wait , but active tuberculosis case finding in the community . Step discovery of new TB cases , including detection of tuberculosis using a more sensitive and specific . Detection time is used since a century ago , namely by looking adnaya or acid-fast bacilli in sputum AFB + patients , considered out of date .
In a global perspective , is currently being sought new ways yanglebih effective diagnosis . So far there has been no detection method is sensitive and can be applied to spesiik public widely . TB cases in Indonesia since the scourge of disease transmission is very easy . National survey conducted in 2004 showed every two and a half minutes , will emerge a new person with tuberculosis .

Not just the transmission , the death rate from tuberculosis in Indonesia is also fairly high . WHO working paper 2000 is staggering , there is recorded , every 4 minutes or so , an Indonesian man died of tuberculosis .
Pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a disease caused due to an acute or chronic infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Tuberculosis causes strange reaction in the tissues of the lungs, which covers the area raids by infected macrophages and the formation of the wall around the lesion by fibrous tissue that forms what is called tubercles . The process of formation of this wall helps to limit the spread of tuberculosis bacteria later on in the lungs .

The disease is mostly found in people who have weak immune , elderly people who in childhood had stricken with tuberculosis and those who test HIV - positive to be his main target tuberculosis .

Tuberkulosisi transmitted through respiratory secretions of patients exhaled then inhaled by another person . Symptoms of tuberculosis is sometimes invisible , but usually symptoms include prolonged shape , chest pain , loss of weight and appetite and a lot of sweat , especially at night . Generally, those who live crowded slum region and poorly ventilated homes are at high risk of contracting this disease . The disease is also more common in men than women .

TB Disease in Children

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculossis , this bias disease attacks the lungs , but can also be about almost any organ of the body .
Penuluaran source is adult pulmonary TB patients through the spark sputum .

Symptoms shown by a child if he was suffering from tuberculosis are :

    Long fever > / - 2 weeks and or recurrent
    3 week old cough
    Down appetite , weight loss or not up 2 months in a row
    Lethargic child is not as active as usual
    Close contact with adult pulmonary TB patients
    Palpable lump in the neck

These symptoms can also be caused by other diseases , therefore immediately consult a doctor . Examination required :

    tuberculin test
    Photos rontgent chest , rontgent examination can help diagnosis but can not be used as one of the diagnostic tools .
    Blood tests are not used for the diagnosis of childhood TB
    If possible needs to be done - sputum sputum examination .
    Given the difficulty in obtaining sputum in children , tuberculin test is a very important examination .
    Diagnosis of childhood TB can be enforced by scoring system childhood TB

TB treatment is the way children :

    Treatment with a combination of drugs 3-4 Tb
    TB treatment takes 6 months , except in Tb can weight up to 12 months longer
    Tb is the key to successful treatment of drinking regularly and thoroughly
    Successful treatment of symptomatic improvement assessed primarily , not from photos rontgent chest .

TB treatment regimens are :

    Medications taken on an empty stomach , one hour before or 2 hours after eating / drinking milk .
    Drug delivery in the form of KDT has several advantages : more practical , can be chewed or dissolved in water , increase adherence to medication .

TB prevention of child :

    BCG vaccination
    Give nutritious and balanced diet in children
    Keep the environment clean , not damp and sunlight into the house
    Find the possible source of transmission :
    Adult at home (parents , housekeeper , driver , etc. )
    School environment ( school teacher , security guard , teacher tutoring , etc. )
    Adult TB patients were treated until thoroughly and wear masks during the initial two months of treatment

.Prevention of Tuberculosis Lung Disease

Coughing illness should not be allowed and should not be underestimated . In order not to get worse and spread to other people , tuberculosis should be treated immediately and quit smoking completely . Avoid drinking cow's milk that has not been cooked . Eat nutritious foods to boost the immune system . Make checks and more intensive treatment , and did not stop in the middle of the road . If treatment is not carried through to completion , then the disease can recur , and may cause bacteria to become resistant or immune to the drug . It can also lead to more severe disease because it has meyebar to other areas outside the lungs .
But you do not need to worry because this disease can be cured . The earlier the treatment is done , tigkat severe damage can be avoided .

Usually if the treatment is done on a regular basis , people with TB can be cured within 6-9 months . For those who have babies , should do immunization with BCG vaccine , and if necessary give again when the child was 12 or 16 months . Children can be easily contracted tuberculosis of adults who were in the vicinity. Transmission can be through the air , such as when coughing or sneezing , then the TB germs into the air would gush through saliva sparks .

Droplets containing the bacteria can survive in the air for several hours and then inhaled by another person .
If the immune system of people who are not breathe well , or the number of bacteria are inhaled enough to menibulkan infection , then that person can be infected . Therefore , it is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis patients until declared cured by a doctor . That way it can help prevent transmission to others . In addition to medication , check with the wife and your children to make sure they come infected or not .

Efforts to reduce the possibility of transmission to your home can be done by installing a good ventilation for air exchange and that spark mengandun saliva germs are concentrated .
Bukaah window or door in the morning so that the sun light coming into your home is adequate because germs die when terkenca TBCakan sunlight . Keep disembarang place and do not spit . Boost the immune system with good nutrition .

Gland tuberculosis treatment

The process of transmission of tuberculosis to the respiratory tract of the neck may be derived from bacteria that were neck gland first , because inadequate treatment . Pernanahan process can appear on the skin , because before the end of the line that connects the intestine and skin . The first doctors who treat the disease take proper method of determining the disease . He wanted to make sure which one pithy berbetuk free from TB germs . Because it needs more in-depth examination . As long as people are willing to tell the chronological time to the doctor .

So if the surgery is done to cure it checks the network to be removed it . If it really is not determined TB germs , only then can the doctor is not sure what to think right arising from infection with TB germs , but by germs that can cause pernanahan lan .

To determine whether it actually boils or unusual sores should be through a more thorough examination . Continue treatment with a doctor who was originally going to be certain it is more certainty about the disease known immediately so that appropriate treatment can be given . Actual disease suspected as the propagation of tuberculosis until then it is not a heavy . Besides treatment performed by a physician , the patient should be well over the required principal therapy for treatment .

Diet for TB should be done at least through the development and maintain the resilience of the body or bodies . The freshness of the body proper is a shield to fight various diseases . TBC oenyakit now no longer seen as a disease that can not be cured if treated early bai . Since the first patient should have should consult a doctor or hospital in an effort to determine the healing methods of TB disease .
Specific example of water treatment is helpful in cases of tuberculosis . Power vitality of the patient's body can be built by a cold bath routine twice a day which was planned carefully . But should also be considered to ensure that patients do not get cold . Advisable to do criss cross application of heat to the cold in a short time . Therapy with exercise can also be applied to tackle tuberculosis cure . Each patient may engage in regular exercise to reduce the symptoms of the disease . Thus water therapy to cure tuberculosis diderta can take place through water treatment , food and regular olahrgaa . But naturally tuberculosis treatment process can be carried out simultaneously with the medical treatment recommended by a physician . The doctor will also suggest he believes that the healing of the TB germs contagious because the immune system is being weakened .

Had the immune system is being strengthened degan do olhraga and consume foods daily is quite nutritious , it is believed that any disease germs does not work to win a very strong body resistance . However the outcome , trust yourself and observe the rules and decided by the doctor needs to comply with patience . Due to treatment not accompanied by a sense of patience and belief in healing yourself, will not mean anything .

TBC glands

TB germs can also at times spread to the soft parts such as lungs , and he was often infects the lymph nodes . Besides, it can also spread to the skin , other important organs . Not only that , up to the rectum was the TB germs can also spread TB causing too anal . Like from the beginning has been conveyed , that the TB germs can invade our body parts such as body parts or the whole body in a weakened state .

When all of the immune system becoming healthy and strong , the possibility of an attack can be countered apaun bacteria by the immune system itself.
TB disease is most commonly known as the attacks the lungs and is known as pulmonary tuberculosis . However, these germs can also attack other organs outside the lungs . Such as the surface of the skin glands to organs and other important inside . Not infrequently also attacked the lining of the brain , bones and joints are actually rare TB germs directly attack the vital organs of the body.

Start the entry of germs as possible through the channels that do not cause such abnormalities in the lungs . But then progressed to other organs away germs can follow the flow of lymph to places in the body . Dialirinya can also channel is liquid blood to reach other organs in the body .
TB germs can last even through foods as well as foods that contain TB germs . Potable water through well in advance and then having good breathing process beforehand and could also lead to transmission of TB germs are talking about. He even got to the intestine and other organs of the body .

Although it is clear that at some point may ditemput by TB germs , but can cause disease in a person's disease is not as easy as it may appear . Development may depend on one's endurance . Good endurance will be able to resist the entry of TB germs into the body . In addition, the durability of that is very necessary , if there is a chronic disease . Therefore , the immune system needs to be considered both a sought from outside in the form of injection or in the form of preventive maintenance of good nutrition . Also for those with chronic illness ought regularly to the doctor's examination .

TB and HIV

It should also be known that pulmonary tuberculosis disease may reappear without showing significant symptoms . Maybe feeling like shivering body , felt difficulty in breathing , severe decline is a reaction by TB germs back . TB disease is actually a disease that has long been known , especially in developing countries like Indonesia . This disease can be overcome by the provision of preventive medicine BCG . But lately the disease began to appear again . This close relation to air travel is becoming so common that transmission can occur from one place to another with so very quickly .

In addition to the emergence of the HIV disease tuberculosis is also easier to grow, especially among people with HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) , the virus triggers a kind of AIDS disease ( Acquiredimmuno Deficiency Syndrome ) .

When tuberculosis symptoms appear more severe symptoms such as night sweats weight even if the patient does not do anything activities and also sometimes vomiting blood . Not infrequently it is found buildup of fluid in the lungs . To ensure affected by pulmonary tuberculosis , is the presence of bacteria in sputum under a microscope . If not found , it may need more careful examination with a microscope or microbiological examination . Even more difficult is when the bacteria descend tubh other organs such as the intestines , genitals bone or kidney . Examination will be performed again when people complain about symptoms in organs that have some risk , unmarried state are like most of them are very neglect . Excessive alcohol drinking habit and like to keep changing date , will easily weaken the immune system that make it easier to develop TB germs enter the body tissues of the patient.

HIV is a virus that lowers the body's resistance , the TB germs are being looked for land in the body that are not powerless to spread germs - bacteria themselves . TBC is looking for the body's defenses , which has weakened this as fertile ground for him . Therefore need to pay attention to those who had suffered a pulmonary tuberculosis , but has recovered .

There is a possibility that the TB germs settled in places other organs for years without noticing any symptoms . With the weakening of the immune system due to HIV virus , it is a good opportunity for TB germs to undermine the already weakened body was . With this condition the body existing TB , TB disease should also shorten the time to iron HIV infection and disease germs into AIDS . HIV infection and disease is still slowly growing number of patients from time to time . The dangerous germs that are now already developed in several cities in Indonesia.

How to Treat TB

Tuberculosis or TB is often interpreted as a lung disease , but tuberculosis actually attack all parts of the body . The disease is caused by the tubercle bacillus germs . TB germs can enter the body through the dust is inhaled , or through sneezes and coughs of people who are already sick .

treatment of tuberculosis

1 . in Medical

Number of people with TB disease Indonesia ranks third in the world after China and India . Tuberculosis attacks the most productive age group is an important human resource in the development of the nation . In the year 1940-1960 has been found to anti - tuberculosis drugs ( OAT ) , but TB is still a public health problem , both in Indonesia and around the world . TB treatment takes a long time , ie 6-8 months continuously with OAT and must be done to recover completely , so as to prevent the transmission to others . Eradication of tuberculosis by using OAT collateral package consisting of anti - tuberculosis drugs , namely Isoniazid , Rifampicin , Pyrazinamide , Streptomycin , and Ethambutol .

In 1983 the World Health Organization ( WHO ) promotes Shourtcourse Directly Observed Treatment ( DOTS ) strategy as the most effective way to control the TB epidemic . DOTS strategy is implemented successfully throughout the world and provide a high cure rate . According to the World Bank , the DOTS strategy is the most effective health today . DOTS strategy for tuberculosis eradicate them from the decision-making political commitment , case detection , treatment and the DOTS , OAT sustainable supply of quality , and a reporting system to monitor progress in treatment standards .

OAT generally kidneys and liver . This condition is very burdensome TB patients , because of the function and the function of detoxification detoksikasi experience delays or obstacles , so that work to kill the TB bacteria OAT hampered due to the deteriorating condition of the patient .

2 . By Goat Milk

In addition to medical treatment , patients with TB can be cured by consuming goat milk on a regular basis , but still continue in medical treatment . According to the study , a person who was suffering from tuberculosis who underwent medical treatment coupled with goat milk consumed regularly, after 3 months of inspections conducted , no TB bacteria in his body .

Goat's milk contains a high amount of fluorine with levels 10-100 times higher than those contained in cow's milk . This element is a natural antiseptic that contains elements of prevention of the growth of bacteria in the body . The presence of fluorine will increase endurance and suppresses the activity of bacterial growth , so the TB bacteria are no longer breed .

Goat's milk also contains high sodium . In the case of tuberculosis, one of the trigger is malnutrition . By giving goat milk on a daily basis , sodium contained in it serves to inhibit the malnutrition . Allegedly stating that the TB bacteria can breed in goat milk is not true . This has been proved by Dr. . Bernard Jensen , Ph.D. , an American nutritionis in examining the benefits of goat's milk .

Due to nutritional content , goat milk can help boost the immune system of patients with TB . In addition , flourinnya prevent the acceleration of the development of the tuberculosis bacterium as an antiseptic work , the protection of lung tissue , and kidney and liver . Fat content in goat milk incendiary substance that serves as the patient's body is warm . Thus , goat milk has a double effect , for protection , prevention , as well as healing .

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