
Sunday, November 3, 2013


Symptoms of Hypertension High Blood

Diagnosis of hypertension is usually caused because the data is based on a history or family history , risk factors and clinical symptoms experienced by the patient , physical examination , and especially blood pressure checks , as well as laboratory tests and investigations such as chest photos and record heart . Symptoms of high blood hypertension to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension one of which is a history of hypertension in both parents , as this may increase suspicion towards primary hypertension . Age of the patient is also one of the causes of the problem of hypertension .

Usually the symptoms of high blood hypertension is characterized by increased blood pressure which is often the only symptom in essential hypertension . And symptoms such as headaches , nosebleeds , and dizziness , or migraine also often found as one of the symptoms of high blood hypertension . Sometimes essential hypertension is running without any symptoms and is also emerging as a symptom of complications that occur in target organs such as is in the kidneys, brain , and heart .

Symptoms of high blood hypertension can lead to complications and problems may be accompanied by other diseases . The disease usually appears with the same can actually worsen the damage of an organ . Complications one of which is coronary heart disease .

Complications of hypertension with coronary heart disease as a result of the occurrence of calcification that occurs in the walls of coronary arteries . Narrowing that occurs in the heart 's blood vessels hole usually causes a decrease in blood flow problems in some parts of the heart muscle . This can cause pain in the chest pain and can result in impaired heart muscle problems . In fact , it could also contribute to the problem of heart attacks .

Another complication is the problem of heart failure , high blood pressure then forces the heart muscle to work harder to keep the blood pumping . This condition can cause the heart muscle problems later thickened and stretched so that the muscle pump then decreased , and could lead to failure of the heart's work in general .

Symptoms of Hypertension

In most patients , hypertension does not cause symptoms . Although some symptoms inadvertently occur simultaneously and reliably associated with high blood pressure ( when in fact it is not ) . Symptoms of the disease is hypertension include headaches , pendaraqhan of nose , headache , facial flushing , and fatigue . In fact , these symptoms can occur in people with hypertension as well as in a person with normal blood pressure .

If hypertension is severe or chronic and untreated , can result in symptoms of headache , fatigue , nausea , vomiting , shortness of breath , anxiety and blurred vision due to damage to the brain , eyes , heart and kidneys . Symptoms of hypertension vary in each individual and is similar to the symptoms of other diseases . The symptoms are:

Heart palpitations
Trouble breathing after working hard or heavy lifting
Easily tired .
blurred vision
flushed face
nose bleed
Frequent urination , especially at night
Berdening ears ( tinnitus )
Aterasa world spinning ( vertigo )
The best way to make sure symptoms of hypertensive disease is by measuring blood pressure . Blood pressure is the force of blood flow in the blood vessel walls of the heart ( arteries ) and who will return to the heart ( veins) . Because of that , the doctor will check your blood pressure readings of two .

The first reading , a higher figure , is the systolic pressure , the pressure when the heart muscle pumping beats to push blood out through the arteries . The figure shows how strong the heart pumps to push blood through the blood vessel . While the second reading , a lower number or diastolic , when the heart muscle blood berisitirahat let back into the heart . The figure shows how much the resistance of blood vessels to blood flow back to the heart .

Characteristic feature of hypertension
High blood pressure can be affected by several factors . High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure figures showed 140/90 but the figure is not to be one size for someone who has high blood pressure , in some people there is high blood pressure called pre- hypertension who showed the blood pressure reaches 120/80 and 139/89 . High blood pressure is a risk factor for a carry disease and cause of damage to certain organs , such as diabetes and kidney disease and other diseases , but the most dangerous is the disease brings on heart attacks that may occur suddenly .

The characteristics of high blood pressure or hypertension is usually characterized by an increase in resistance to blood flow throughout the body . According to the American Heart Association or AHA , the American population over the age of 20 years suffer from hypertension has reached up to 74.5 million people , but nearly about 90-95 cases of unknown cause . Although it has been showing symptoms and signs of high blood that can be seen by the presence of various cardiovascular changes which can affect one's health and lead to serious health conditions .

Here are some of the traits of hypertension , among which are :

1 . Presence of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is a hallmark of high blood pressure . On a study conducted in 2004 by Muhammad F. Saad from a publication in the Journal of Hypertension , insulin resistance or insulin levels are abnormally increased in the blood which is then linked by hypertension , insulin resistance is actually happening in diabetes .

Experts note that this insulinemia or insulin resistance has a close connection with the characteristics of high blood pressure or blood there are those who have type 2 diabetes mellitus . This was based bekalangi by altered glucose and an increase in plasma insulin which results in a negative effect on blood vessel walls .

2 . Left ventricular enlargement

The left ventricular chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the body's tissues are enlarged are characteristic of high blood pressure (hypertension ) . Increased blood pressure forced the heart work harder and faster than normal to pump blood throughout the body . In addition there is a boost of blood through the blood vessels are narrowed or incurred significant barriers that cause the heart's left ventricle to enlarge or stiff , a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy . If the form of the characteristic features of hypertension left ventricular hypertrophy occurs , it limits the ability of the ventricle to pump blood that can lead to heart attack , heart failure and sudden cardiac death .

3 . Decrease in arterial function

The decrease in arterial function or changes in the structure of blood vessels are the traits of high blood pressure . This makes high blood pressure is difficult to detect . To know high blood pressure is required examination by medical personnel . The characteristics of high blood pressure is difficult to be detected is called arteriosclerosis .

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is a lot of people refer to it as a condition of the body which increases the blood pressure resulting from an increase in blood pressure kornis (in the long term). Hypertension can also be interpreted as a situation in which the systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic above 90 mmHg. Blood pressure is always rising or higher to be one of the risk factors in the onset of a disease such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a major cause of chronic heart failure.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), high blood pressure is a systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 160 mmHg and or diastolic pressure equal to or greater 95 mmHg.

As for the classification of high blood pressure in adults is:

Generally mild or moderate hypertension tiddak cause visible symptoms . Hypertension symptoms will arise and be seen if high blood pressure is felt more heavily or on a state of crisis blood pressure itself.

Symptoms of hypertension are more severe and more and felt will show symptoms such as :

- Headache
- Often feel dizzy sometimes very heavy dirasakn
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Anorexia
- Restless
- Weight loss
- Exit excessive drought
- Epistaxis
- Palpitations
- Poliuri
- Proteinuri
- hematuri
- Or growth retardation

On the symptoms of chronic hypertension will develop symptoms , such as :

- Hypertensive encephalopathy
- hemiplegi
- Penglihatna and Hearing Impaired
- Pareses and facial
- Impairment of consciousness

Symptoms of high blood pressure who entered the stadium and cause chronic or acute symptoms as above , make up some of the hypertensive patients in a coma .

If the physical examination , generally not found any abnormality in addition to the higher blood pressure , but can also be found in the retina of the eye changes , such as hemorrhage , exudate ( fluid collection ) , constriction of blood vessels , and in situations that lead to chronic edema pupils .

Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension
According to doctors, the symptoms of hypertension are usually not felt, so the disease is called silence diaseas. Many people who think it's definitely high blood pressure causing dizziness. Because of the error, not all patients seek treatment, because they do not complain of dizziness. For most healthy people once every year checking blood pressure, being sick every month.

Hypertension is difficult to realize because it has no specific symptoms. However, there are some things that can at least be used as an indicator, because directly related to the physical condition. For example, dizziness or headaches, restlessness, red face, sore neck, irritability, ear berdenggung, insomnia, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizzy eyes, and nosebleeds.

Other symptoms that can be recognized from our tejadinya hypertension in the attack is blurred vision . This occurs due to damage to the brain , eyes , heart , and kidneys . Patients with severe hypertension may experience loss of consciousness and even coma because of brain swelling . Condition called hypertensive encephalopathy that require immediate action .

Hypertension often occurs generally do not cause symptoms are easily recognizable . While blood pressure continues to increase even in periods of time long enough to cause complications presence of a congenital disease of hypertension . Therefore hypertension should always be checked to determine the blood pressure on a regular basis . A person who is said to suffer from high blood pressure checkup in a few days if the blood is known to have blood pressure above 130/90 mmHg .

Hypertension causes the onset of a disease brought on due to high blood pressure such as posing risks to stroke , aneurysm , heart failure , heart attack and kidney failure . Hypertensive disease knows no boundaries of age and gender of a person , everyone has the same risk of hypertension without causing traits or symptoms in advance .

Blood pressure in every one's life varies naturally . Infants and children who normally also have blood pressure much lower than adults . Blood pressure is influenced by several factors such as physical activity daily , will experience an increase in blood pressure when doing daily activities and will decrease when resting . Blood pressure can rise when in the morning and will be lower when sleep / rest at night .

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